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The Council ​


The Council on Global Integration is a startup intended as a think tank, advisory, and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to studying the globalization process and its driving forces, predicting the impending changes and the implications of the forthcoming Fourth Industrial Revolution and The Great Reset, and developing viable strategies for sustainable transition and integration into upcoming new socioeconomic world order for individuals, organizations, and the broader society.


We aspire to become a leader in understanding Globalization, Transhistorical Transnational and Global Politics and Governance, the impending changes related to the upcoming period of radical global socioeconomic restructuring, and, consequently, the probable forms of tomorrow's future.

In that regard, we intend to serve our partners and other decision makers as a reliable source of empowering timely insights, information, and knowledge - as their life-long strategic advisor, helping them to foresee and meet changes, anticipate challenges, to build clarity, capacity, understanding, develop solutions and mitigate threats.



We look at "Global Integration" from two perspectives:

  • from the perspective of the process of integration of the world into one global system (globalization) where apparent cycles of necessary revolutionary measures for integration of new technologies require periodic radical changes in the social and economic orders (organization, arrangements, relations, forms, norms, rules, laws, values, beliefs, etc);


  • from the perspective of individuals and organizational leaders, who could be seeking to identify the best course of actions to safely transition through the times of radical socioeconomic restructuring, and integrate into the new version of a world order, where, as history has shown, there may not be a place for everyone*.


We look at globalization as a process of emergence of a larger system which goes through its stages of growth and development.

We see globalization as an unstoppable and irresistible process, a Natural Dynamic of System Development.


We believe that the best course of action is to get on with progress and prepare oneself for tomorrow's future. By taking early action, people can avoid becoming a part of a newly rising "Useless Class of citizens" (Yuval Noah Harari) who are stuck holding on to the wrong for the upcoming times ideas, things, and places and who thus risk being grounded by millstones of the possible forthcoming dark times of history.

Industrial Revolutions: Changes​, Challenges, and Threats


When new radically disruptive technologies and methods become available ('modes and means of production'), it inevitably leads to a cascade of changes in how all trades and their conductors relate and affect one another ('Relations of production'); that is, to changes in socioeconomic order (norms, rules, regulations, laws, ideologies, values, beliefs, etc.), structure, and the composition of the society.

The disruptive effects of technologies and their impacts on relations and order of societies can be readily seen in retrospect in examples of previous industrial revolutions, where the more 'backward a society' was (in the degree of integration of new technological advancements), the more radical, ruthless, and bloody the socioeconomic transformation (social revolution) occurred.

The forthcoming socioeconomic restructuring is induced by the most disruptive technologies that have been known to our civilization, which promises an unparalleled in its reach and depth transformation of the socioeconomic order, structure, and composition of the society. Such, that even the role and future of the human is in question ('Useless class of citizens', Trans-humanism).

Humans, unlike machines, are hardly re-programmable when it comes to deep values, beliefs, and behaviors; the issue becomes worse when en masse. Multitude of people still carry with them old ways and means of relation to each other, trades, business, etc. and the interest groups of previous socioeconomic orders represent those who wants the change the least. And thus people themselves become the obstacle on the way of progress.

Both, the technological revolution and impending socioeconomic restructuring, have already received their names - 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution' and 'The Great Reset' respectfully.

"A man who is used to acting in one way never changes; he must come to ruin when the times, in changing, no longer are in harmony with his ways." N. Machiavelli

Change is the only constant in this world. Change is uncertainty. There is never any certainty, in fact, only THREATS and OPPORTUNITIES (Chinese character Wei Ji 危机 - crisis and opportunity). Change is a constant test for fitness.


Changes come at ever increasing rates. Individuals and the society are lagging behind. The most disruptive technologies drive the most disruptive changes what will lead to the most radical socioeconomic restructuring.

Global level challenges will require change on every level of our society, of how we conduct our business and trades, structure, properties, and composition of the society. The changes in policies will force behaviors what will accelerate the transformation. The changes will become a test for those who has capacity to timely prepare and adjust, and peril for the rest.

The only reason why there are more than one opinion on this issue is the greed of the ego, which is why people's priorities are in the wrong places. Only those who understood life and knows how fleeting and fragile peace can be, can get their priorities and objectives right and, consequently, have better information, knowledge, understanding - vision, and thus, better outcomes.

We understand that by working with the best leaders - vigilant and proactive individuals, our efforts can have higher effectiveness, efficiency and impact, producing rippling effects throughout society.

Join our efforts to get on top of changes. Support our operations and get access to intermittent reports on current developments, information sessions, and more.

For more information about us and our Vision, Mission, and Values check our 'About and Our News', 'The word from Founders', 'Research', and 'Join us'.


The Council • Information, Knowledge, and Change Agent • Sentinel • Guardian • Advisor • Consul

Self-preservation • Well-being • Enduring • Transition • Integration

 Ecosystems • Human Resources • Human-Based Systems • Governance • Systematization • Recollection • Concentration • Centralization • Optimization • Entropy • Control effort • Transhistorical Transnational and Global Politics and Governance • Globalization • Progress • The Fourth Industrial Revolution • Zero Day • Cybersecurity • Health Emergency • Hacking • The Great Reset • The Great Socioeconomic Restructuring • Transitional Period • Chaos from Order • The Dark Times of the History • New Story • New Religion Order from Chaos • New Socioeconomic World Order • Reunion • Global Restoration • Global Renovation • Global Renaissance  • Hybrid Systems

Ecosystems • Political • Economic • Governmental • Technological • Environmental • Social​

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Our History, Experience, and Expertise

The Council on Global Integration was initiated on February 11, 2024 and is the result of the implementation of the personal vision of its founders.

On July 17, 2024 the active phase of the site and startup development began.

For over 14 years prior to the formation of the Council, we have been paying attention to the matters of the highest importance - narratives and outcomes in the political space, and acknowledging the latent processes and forces driving globalization.

Our unique conceptual knowledge and the level of understanding of this large and complex subject allow us to look at events beyond their face value, into their complementary nature, to see how actions and events align into a logical sequence revealing vectors and patterns of political and socioeconomic developments, and the probable form of tomorrow's future.

Foreknowledge ​


"The knowledge of the laws of life is incomparably more important than any other knowledge, and the knowledge that directly leads us to self-preservation is the knowledge of primary importance."   Leo Tolstoy


"Sensitivity (acuity) is a legacy of experience."


"Before the destruction of a brake-out fire occurs, the flame first lit from afar, then its heat is felt."


"A man who is used to acting in one way never changes; he must come to ruin when the times, in changing, no longer are in harmony with his ways."

N. Machiavelli


"There are SURE TO BE OMENS before something happens. When a nation or family is about to flourish, there are SURE TO BE happy omens; and when it is about to perish, there are sure to be unlucky omens. When calamity or happiness is about to come, the good shall certainly be FOREKNOWN by him, and the evil also." I Ching

"Thus, what enables the wise sovereign and the good general to strike and conquer, and achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is FOREKNOWLEDGE..."

The Art of War

"All things have beginnings and the ends. Causes and effects. All affairs have their branches and the roots. To know what is first and what is second is the core of wisdom." The Great Learning

   Everything can be learned, understood, and explained  but not by everyone and not to everyone.

   The one who doesn't understand the glance, will not understand long explanations either. Wise man doesn't need ​excessive evidence to grasp the essence. Not many words are needed to convey the truth.

   The one who has capacity, can embrace.

"When you understand the Way broadly, you will see the way of all things. When you attain the way of strategy, there will not be one thing you cannot see." M. Musashi


   Strategy is a structure, structure is strategy. By learning the structure of an entity, one can comprehend its strategy. When you embrace its strategy, you will know the way (plans) of the entity.


"It is impossible to lay down rules for warfare [solution] before you come in touch with (under-stand) the enemy [problem]."  Military methods of ancient China  


   Every system consists of elements, and in that capacity its contents can be apprehended. Distinguishing elements and parts of the system, allows to know its strengths and weaknesses. Seeing what a system does, its actions and outcomes, allows to know what it is for/after. Knowing what one is, by seeing what one does and what one gets.

   The cyclical nature of all processes allows for learning  the patterns.

   To see what a large thing is, one needs to step aside, and have perspective. For things larger than human life, one needs to step farther away, beyond his life span.

​   Things which can be approached and interacted with can be understood.   

   Collectively, all people know everything. People like to talk about what they like/don't like to do. They cannot not to talk. Thus, more and more people know what others know.  Hence, knowing is about knowing more people.

"It is impossible to lay down rules for warfare [solution] before you come in touch with (under-stand) the enemy [problem]."  Military methods of ancient China  


    People, organizations, and other entities have their interests and plan their activities for years, decades, and sometimes centuries ahead.

    Public interest is dispersed, private interest is concentrated. One small well-organized goal oriented group can do more than uninformed disorganized idling majority.

    Local interest groups work for local interest group's interest; global interests are advanced by ...

  What is higher in hierarchy of order of things has more power over what is lower. Older entities have more evidence/products of its existence.

   In politics, thus, nothing happens by accident.

   For these reasons we should not look at any event as stand alone occurrence, but as strategies of people and entities.

   Paying attention to the polices and developments in political space it is hard to miss what is to come. Government is an installation for the purposes of concentrating and centralizing the human resource management. Government Policies and Laws channel and force behaviors, drive the change, and shape the future. Forcing behaviors accelerates changes. Forcing behaviors are efforts and actions, changes are outcomes. Both can be noticed and understood.

"All warfare is based on deception." The Art of War.


   Because the conflict of interest, in games of strategy, it becomes vital to think of taking the measures for concealing, revealing, and eliciting information.

   Dissimulation is one of the rules of this game; and the more sophisticated the game is, the more sophisticated in all forms of deception are the best players.

    In such situation everything outsiders are being let know about is a deceit.

    Every excessively apparent action or event which are overly suggestive of its nature, causes, reasons, and elicited reactions  are deception.

    All actions are part of a strategy, while also they are distractions, misinformation, disinformation - dissimulation... serving to take attention from the following punch.

   For these reasons we should not to take events and promises at face value but rather see what those lead and add up to in retrospect.

   Nothing in this world works the way we think it does, events don't happen for the reasons people are made to believe they do - we just have limited, incomplete information to draw proper conclusions.

   If something doesn't make sense or is contradictory in its nature, it may be because it is intended so: "The whole point is in confusing an opponent, so he cannot fathom our real intent" (Military arts of ancient China)

"EMPTY TIME and EMPTY SPACE are important means of control." Tarasov V.

"You can't con an honest man." Revolver, Guy Ritchie


    There are too many opinions, but truth is one. People have many different perspectives, but mostly about irrelevant things.

    An ongoing ignorance, incomplete information, inferior knowledge and the greed - Ego, are the reasons why there are so many opinions.

    Because the age, size, and complexity of the subject matter, because of ignorance about the fragility of peace, because people are busy with their own consumption, and because professional efforts are applied to keep everyone distracted, people don't pay sufficient attention to what matters. They don't have their priorities in right places.

   We see our goal in foreknowing changes before they come, and serving community of good people through working with the best leaders - vigilant and proactive individuals and organizational leaders helping decision-makers to prepare before the dread comes.


Such a task can in itself be a specialty and a profession.

Make The Council your personal advisor and let us grow alongside you, learning relevant aspects of business, what would help to make the most of the abilities, skills, and the knowledge we already posses. 

Let us collaborate on gaining vision and understanding.

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