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Join Us

Ways to Join our Efforts: Team, Board, Associates, Advisors, Membership
MEMBERSHIP (Preliminary information)

Exclusive selective memberships only. More details are coming soon.

Donors who donates given amounts can request membership.


Membership levels:

• Level One Circle

Level Two Circle

Level Three Circle

The Resettlement Project Circle

Annual Fees:

• 10,000    



Over 50,000 and Active support of the program and the think tank

Members of different levels will get access to:

  • CGI Observer monitoring and analysis insights, alerts, political developments updates,

  • 1 - 4  in person Information Sessions a month for exclusive tailored insights (12 - 48 a year based on the amount of donations and support);

  • Intermittent research results;

  • and more...


Select members may be invited to the CGI Ark or The Great Resettlement Project which is a part of the "Comprehensive Response Programme's" "Individual Level Response" research Program and feeds of the research project "The Sufficient measures". The project is concerned with identifying sufficient measures for transitional period of restructuring and further integration into the new socioeconomic world order.

CGI's Ark or The Great Resettlement Project

"The best defense from destruction is to be away from the zone of destruction."

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset, The Greatest Socioeconomic Restructuring.


In light of the impending greatest changes associated with the most disruptive industrial revolution and the most radical socioeconomic reset it is wisest to be away form the areas of the highest impact geographically and socio-hierarchically.


History teaches only those who looks into it for lessons and analogies.


It would not be an overestimation to expect that the THE MOST DISRUPTIVE industrial revolution is to induce the GREATEST CHANGES, and, for the first time, truly on the GLOBAL SCALE, and that it would lead to the most RADICAL and painful socioeconomic restructuring, combining the worst crimes and atrocities, and leading to THE GREATEST LOSSES of lives. (Watch 'History Lessons' on our 'Get Informed' Page)

Learn more by booking our Information Session.


The Great Resettlement Project is intended to consolidate efforts and resources of select good, vigilant, smart, intelligent, wise, and proactive individuals towards working on finding solutions to arising set of existential threats and developing strategies for safe transition through potentially the darkest times of the human history and integration into the new socioeconomic world order.


The high-grain detail plan we are working on requires further research and resources. Contact us and let us learn each other.


To become a member of the Fourth Circle and thus a part of The Great Resettlement Project members must share a devotion to the mission and the process, bringing own effort, energy, and resources to the endeavor.


The project requires relocation from the US and other measures of mitigating the threats, therefore the profile of the individual demands open mindedness, flexibility, ability to change one's ways, and not holding on to old and perilous for the new times ideas and comfortable places.


Book an information session --> Become a member / Board member --> Learn from us, learn with us, learn us, and let us learn you --> Become an Angel Investor and Spiritual Supporter of our Mission and The Project.


***At no point you will be required to invest into something for the future financial returns. Donations of certain amounts are required and disclosed above. Select members of the project will manage their own resources directing them towards identified in collaboration with other resource equal members tasks and courses of actions improving their and thus other members' positions. We don't promise that what we know needs to be done will bring guaranteed results. This endeavor for self-preservation by shared intellectual effort and resources and the 'sufficient measures' are to be discovered along and known in retrospect. Our vision provides the direction only. Our wisdom increases chances. Join us soon!

Startup Board of Directors

Coming soon

Specialties, Achievements, Awards...


Startup Associates and Advisors

Coming soon

Specialties, Achievements, Awards...


Startup Team

Coming soon

Specialties, Achievements, Awards...


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